
It's Sunday morning. I'm sitting on the couch and drinking coffee. I'm also Googling CrossFit intro videos and looking a "boxes" near my office. That's what they call them. They're not gyms, they're boxes.

I've never been very physically active. I played baseball and ran track as a kid. I worked in retail and warehouses in my late teens and early twenties. There was always lots of walking and occasional lifting of heavy things. After that it's just a series of chairs. Get out of bed, get ready, sit in a chair on a vehicle. Walk to my desk. Sit in a chair. Go to lunch, sit in a chair. Back to the office chair. Walk around a bit. Back to the chair in the car or bus. Get home and hang out with the kids a bit. Maybe play outside or in the basement, but then: you guessed it, back to the chair (couch).

Five (!!!) years ago, a friend presented a challenge for he and I: If he signed up for a 5K that was three months away, would I run it with him? I agreed to it. We kept each other motivated. We tweeted that we had just finished some portion of Couch to 5K. It was in the middle of winter and it was cold and icy. I'd get his Tweet at 9pm, grab my shoes and check my box too. Three months later, we ran that 5K.

I kept running for almost a year. I did a couple more 5Ks and made my way up to a 10K. I never really enjoyed running though. I kept waiting to experience that "runner's high" that everyone talked about. I felt like I had accomplished something, but I didn't enjoy it.

This doesn't feel good. I don't like where I am mentally or physically. I feel drained, sluggish and sometimes exhausted. Sleep is okay, but it's all over the place. For a month, I'll sleep five hours a night. Then I "crash" and have a week or two where I sleep eight or even ten hours per night.

I've already made changes to my diet. Two years ago I jumped in to keto. I lost about thirty pounds in about four months. I felt better, looked better and was happy about that. I fell off the wagon during the holidays and ballooned back. I gained back everything I'd lost when I rediscovered sugar. I'm done with that. It's not worth it. I'm off sugar again and enjoying that fact. If keto is interesting to you, check out /r/keto and /r/ketorecipes. It's a great community full of people going through the same things.

So, I'm becoming one of those people. Not only am I checking out CrossFit boxes this week, I'm also blogging about it. Ugh. Whatever. It sometimes seems self-aggrandizing to do things like this, but then I read something like this. Someone else was going through the same things that I was. He wrote about it and I found encouragement from that.