Week 13: England

We moved to the East Coast this week to visit some old friends. James' family runs an amazing little retreat called Belle Grove Barns. It's full of character and smack dab in the middle of some of the most beautiful Suffolk countryside.


Katharine went off to explore London. Grammie, the kids, and I walked around Henley. We explored the dam and the lock, walked the tow path, and played on another playground or two. A late lunch and some tea at The Chocolate Cafe was enjoyed by all.


We're out of here. As much as we hated to leave Henley-on-Thames, it was time to drop Grammie off at Heathrow.

We were headed East today toward Suffolk. We made a pit stop in Luton (that raised a few eyebrows from local friends). For dinner we drove twenty minutes or so to Letchworth. It's the UK's first Garden City and the home of the first roundabout in the UK!


We stopped by to visit some friends I worked with last year. They run a laser engraving shop and treated the kids to some personalized torches (flashlights for the folks at home). Thanks Craig!

Next it was a two hour trip to Belle Grove. We stayed in two different houses and enjoyed every single minute. They are fantastic. Walking paths, spaceships, giant crabs, dragons, and fairies.


We stayed close to the farm except for lunch. We drove over to Southwold to get fish and chips at The Harbour Cafe. They were the best I've had so far. I didn't take a picture because I was too busy eating them.


We had to move houses today. Fortunately it was 100 yards away. The kids played while the parents packed.

I'm going full English over here. Tea and crumpets, fish and chips, and now this: beans on toast.

We don't have these beans in the US even though they come from there.


We drove up to Bungay for an English breakfast. It's a neat little town. We walked through the old graveyard and explored the castle ruins.

I screwed up. This would have been perfect if it had beans.
Bungay Castle

After Bungay we drove back over to Southwold to see the pier. It was great. They have a normal arcade and a bunch of one-off artist designed machines as well.

Then a short trip a little further south to see Dunwich. Apparently the town was swallowed by the sea a few hundred years ago. Now the coastline is eroding and even more buildings are slipping over.

We've got two more weeks in England. We're heading South for the rest of the trip. See you next week Brighton.